
You do not need to buy the equipment to deliver with us. Normal procedure is that we deduct a deposit from your Earnings. You will then see your Earnings in the app as a negative balance, until you have delivered enough to be able to cover the deposit. 

Once you have covered the cost of the entire deposit, your Earnings will be paid to the bank account you have registered with us. The deposit will be refunded when the gear is returned in usable condition.

For a detailed price list, please see this article.

Getting the deposit back
Please keep in mind that the shipment must be delivered and registered by our warehouse before you will be able to receive the deposit back.

If the shipment has been delivered but you still have not received the deposit, please send us the tracking number you received when you ordered the gear return. You will find this here:

Please remember that the deposit is subject to taxation as it is deducted from your earnings. 


Operations Specialist (IT & Automations)

Wolt Partners Norway


Which gear is mandatory to have?


I cannot log into Onsi Dashboard