Changing your payment information (Bank account, income type, ID number)
You can change your details from our service Safepay: All links are listed on this website and further down in this article. Please make sure to select the correct type of contract before modifying your information.
Safepay Freelancer
Please do not use this section if you are a Contractor. Scroll down to the Safepay Contractors section to find the relevant forms. Still didn’t find what you were after? Don’t hesitate to contact us in the chat in your Wolt Partner App.
Changing your bank account
We need top have a valid bank account at all times to be able to receive the payout. Please never close a registered bank account or register someone else's as we will not be responsible for the lost income if you end up not receiving it.
If you want to change your bank account number, please fill out this form:
We will need the following information:
Your full legal name (As written in your passport)
Courier Partner ID (Your Wolt Partner Courier ID). If you do not know what your number is, please contact the Operations Team in the chat to receive it. Do not write your personal ID number (Fødselsnummer/D-nummer).
Your email address (The same one as the one registered in your Wolt Courier account)
Your old bank account number (Norwegian accounts only)
Your new bank account number (Norwegian accounts only)
Your IBAN (International Bank Account Number) and your BIC/SWIFT (Bank International Code)
You can use this calculator to find your IBAN and BIC numbers. If you still have trouble finding your BIC and SWIFT, please contact your bank directly. Revolut or other types of foreign accounts are not accepted.
Changing your income type
You can change your income type between main income (Hovedinntekt) and bi income (Biinntekt) for tax related purposes here:
You can read more about this and contact Skatteetaten directly if you have any questions about this here.
We will need the following information:
Your full legal name (As written in your passport)
Courier Partner ID (Your Wolt Partner Courier ID). If you do not know what your number is, please contact the Operations Team in the chat to receive it. Do not write your personal ID number (Fødselsnummer/D-nummer).
Your email address (The same one as the one registered in your Wolt Courier account)
Your desired income type (Main income/Bi income)
Changing your personal ID number
We need to have your latest ID number (Fødselsnummer) or D number (D-nummer) registered at all times to avoid issues with tax. You might be deducted 50% of your earnings by Skatteetaten if an old number stays registered.
You can change your ID-number or D-number by filling out this form:
We will need the following information:
Your full legal name (As written in your passport)
Courier Partner ID (Your Wolt Partner Courier ID). If you do not know what your number is, please contact the Operations Team in the chat to receive it. Do not write your personal ID number (Fødselsnummer/D-nummer).
Your email address (The same one as the one registered in your Wolt Courier account)
Your new ID number (Fødselsnummer) or your new D number (D-nummer)
Make sure to double check all your payment details before sending them. Sending wrong details will lead to issues with payments and tax.
Safepay Contractor
Please do not use this section if you are a Freelancer. Scroll up to the Safepay Freelancer section to find the relevant forms. Still didn’t find what you were after? Don’t hesitate to contact us in the chat in your Wolt Partner App.
Changing your bank account
We need top have a valid bank account at all times to be able to receive the payout. Please never close a registered bank account or register someone else's as we will not be responsible for the lost income if you end up not receiving it.
If you want to change your bank account number, please fill out this form:
We will need the following information:
Your full legal name (As written in your passport)
Courier Partner ID (Your Wolt Partner Courier ID). If you do not know what your number is, please contact the Operations Team in the chat to receive it. Do not write your personal ID number (Fødselsnummer/D-nummer).
Your email address (The same one as the one registered in your Wolt Courier account)
Your old bank account number (Norwegian accounts only)
Your new bank account number (Norwegian accounts only)
Your IBAN (International Bank Account Number) and your BIC/SWIFT (Bank International Code)
You can use this calculator to find your IBAN and BIC numbers. If you still have trouble finding your BIC and SWIFT, please contact your bank directly. Revolut or other types of foreign accounts are not accepted.
Registering as VAT applicable
You can register as VAT applicable (MVA-pliktig) by filling out this form: You cannot fill out this form and receive VAT unless you previously registered your company as VAT applicable with Skatteetaten.
We will need the following information:
Your full legal name (As written in your passport)
Your email address (The same one as the one registered in your Wolt Courier account)
Courier Partner ID (Your Wolt Partner Courier ID). If you do not know what your number is, please contact the Operations Team in the chat to receive it. Do not write your personal ID number (Fødselsnummer/D-nummer).
Your current business ID (Org. nummer)
The name given to your business
The date from when your business became VAT applicable
Keep in mind that feeling out this form without being registered as VAT applicable with Skatteetaten will result in the VAT application being deleted. We cannot register VAT on your behalf.
Changing your Business ID (Org. nummer)
You can change the company you deliver with by filling out this form:
We will need the following information:
Your full legal name (As written in your passport)
Courier Partner ID (Your Wolt Partner Courier ID). If you do not know what your number is, please contact the Operations Team in the chat to receive it. Do not write your personal ID number (Fødselsnummer/D-nummer).
Your email address (The same one as the one registered in your Wolt Courier account)
Your Business ID (Org. nummer)
Your company name
If and when you became VAT applicable
The bank account registered on the company (Norwegian accounts only)
Your IBAN (International Bank Account Number) and your BIC/SWIFT (Bank International Code)
You can use this calculator to find your IBAN and BIC numbers. If you still have trouble finding your BIC and SWIFT, please contact your bank directly. Revolut or other types of foreign accounts are not accepted.