Insurance Product Information Document (IPID)
This insurance is provided by Collective Denmark ApS, an independent and fully authorised intermediary regulated by the Danish Financial Services Authority (REF 36518) and registered in Denmark under Company Number 42352985. This document provides a summary of the cover, exclusions and restrictions. The full terms and conditions of this insurance can be found in your Policy Wording and Product Information Summary, accessible via the Collective Benefits app (or on request).
What is this type of insurance?
This Policy covers you in the event of Accident or Violent Assault that occurs while logged online in the Wolt Courier Partner app. and will pay out a set amount on the insurable circumstances defined below.
What is insured?
We will pay the Sum Insured shown in the Product Information Summary for the following events that occur as a result of a single, unexpected, unforeseen and unintentional incident that happens during the Policy Period and is not a symptom of a disease or illness.
Section A: Permanent Critical Injuries
Accidental Death (and consequential Parental Support where applicable).
Permanent Total Disablement
Permanent Partial Disablement
Funeral Expenses
Section B: Temporary Serious Injuries
Fracture of any of a Courier Partner’s:
Skull, cheek or jaw; or
Neck, ribs or spine; or
Collar bone, shoulder blade, upper arm, elbow, forearm, wrist or hand (excluding fingers); or
Hip bone, upper leg, kneecap, lower leg, ankle or foot (excluding toes)
First Dislocation of a Courier Partner’s:
- Hip, knee or ankle; or
- Wrist, elbow or shoulder
- Hospital Stays of at least 48 hours.
Section C: Additional Covers
Expenses for medically necessary Dental treatment
Necessary Medical Expenses
Compensation for Violent Assault
What is not insured?
All Sections
Illness or disease, any naturally occurring, Pre-existing condition or degenerative condition or any gradually operating cause or post-traumatic stress disorder.
A Courier Partner who is below 18 or has attained the age of 70 years, unless such claim occurs during the Policy Period in which the Courier Partner attains the age of 70 years.
Suicide, attempted suicide or intentional self-inflicted Bodily Injury or any elective surgery.
Use of alcohol, any drugs or controlled substances other than as prescribed by a Doctor
War, invasion, act of a foreign enemy, hostilities (whether war is declared or not), civil war, rebellion, revolution or any similar event.
Section B: Temporary Serious Injuries
Fractures of solely fingers and/or toes.
For Dislocations where the joint has been previously dislocated.
For Dislocations that do not require treatment at a hospital.
For Hospital Stays of less than 48 hours.
Section C: Additional Covers
For dental prostheses of a higher quality or standard than what existed prior to the Accident.
For the treatment of dental injuries that were not apparent within 30 days of the date of the relevant Accident.
Claims lower than the applicable Excess for the relevant Benefit.
For any treatment after 12 months from the date of the relevant Accident
Are there any restrictions on cover?
Endorsements may apply which vary or extend your policy. Please refer to your Product Information Summary for information. Your policy lists all restrictions regarding eligibility. Optional coverages may be available and are subject to payment of an additional premium including insurance premium tax. These will be shown in your policy documents.
Where am I covered?
Courier Partners are covered while in their country of residence and logged online in the Wolt courier partner app and up to 30 minutes after logging off the app.
What are my obligations?
Courier Partners must take care when answering any questions we may have and ensure that all information provided is accurate and complete.
Courier Partners must ensure that online hours are accurately recorded on Wolt’s courier partner platform.
Courier Partners must consult a Doctor as soon as possible after any incident that may result in a claim.
Courier Partners must notify Us promptly about any incident that may give rise to a claim.
To claim any Benefit, the condition must be evidenced in accordance with Section 4.0 (Claims) of the Policy wording.
The Master Policyholder must tell Us if something changes which they think will have a material change to this Policy. This includes changes they wish to make to the Sum Insured.
Failure to disclose any of the above information may result in inappropriate insurance terms being quoted or a claim being rejected or reduced. The Policy may become invalid and no refund made if You are in any doubt please advise us and we will make the decision as to whether it is a material change.
When and how do I pay?
The Master Policyholder (Wolt) pays the appropriate Premium quarterly in arrears based on total online hours by all relevant Courier Partners.
When does the cover start and end?
The policy starts on the start date shown on the Product Information Summary and continues until the Master Policyholder cancels it, or we do.
How do I cancel the contract?
This Policy can be cancelled by the insurer or the Master Policyholder, according to section 5.3 of the Policy.