Trouble uploading documents in contract details
Guidelines for Freelancers
Required fields must be filled out to be able to send your contract details. If you cannot go forward in the process, it means that something that is required hasn't been filled. Please check that the following information is registered correctly:
Full name: It should contain your full legal name, as written in your passport.
Personal ID number/D-number: It should be exactly 11 characters long, do not add spaces or other characters.
Address: It should be your current address and only contain the street name and the house number
Zip Code: It should be a Norwegian zip code with exactly 4 numbers and no space or other characters.
City: It should be your current city and located in Norway.
Nationality: It should be exactly as stated on your ID card or passport. Do not specify your nationality as Norwegian if you only have a residence permit or a Norwegian travel document.
Account number: It should be a Norwegian bank account and exactly 11 numbers with no space or other characters. Please do not use Revolut or other foreign accounts.
IBAN & BIC/SWIFT: To be able to find your IBAN and BIC/SWIFT, please see this article. The IBAN and the BIC/SWIFT should be exactly as stated by your bank with no space or special characters. As an example:
- IBAN: NO98441115651
Never enter random or wrongful payment information - This will result in loss of funds and we cannot be held responsible if it happens.
Guidelines for Contractors
Required fields must be filled out to be able to send your contract details. If you cannot go forward in the process, it means that something that is required hasn't been filled. Please check that the following information is registered correctly:
Full name: It should contain your full legal name, as written in your passport.
Personal ID number/D-number: It should be exactly 11 characters long, do not add spaces or other characters.
Organization number: It should be 9 characters long with no space or other characters and exactly as stated by Altinn.
Company name: It should be exactly as the one registered in Altinn.
VAT: It should be exactly as the information registered on Skatteetaten. Failure to register correct information will lead to tax issues.
Tax number: It should be your company number if you are not VAT applicable or your company number followed by MVA if you are VAT applicable. (Example: 920464254 if you are not VAT applicable or 920464254MVA if you are VAT applicable).
Address: It should be your current address and only contain the street name and the house number
Zip Code: It should be a Norwegian zip code with exactly 4 numbers and no space or other characters.
City: It should be your current city and located in Norway.
Nationality: It should be exactly as stated on your ID card or passport. Do not specify your nationality as Norwegian if you only have a residence permit or a Norwegian travel document.
Account number: It should be a Norwegian bank account and exactly 11 numbers with no space or other characters. Please do not use Revolut or other foreign accounts.
IBAN & BIC/SWIFT: To be able to find your IBAN and BIC/SWIFT, please see this article. The IBAN and the BIC/SWIFT should be exactly as stated by your bank with no space or special characters. As an example:
- IBAN: NO98441115651
Never enter random or wrongful payment information - This will result in loss of funds and we cannot be held responsible if it happens.