Operations Team - Opening hours

Our normal opening hours

The Operations Team does not have a live chat and it can therefore take some time before you receive an answer. Our normal response time is 1-5 business days depending on the inquiry. Some inquiries might require more time, we answer as fast as possible. 

Please remember to never open duplicate conversations in the chat as this makes it more difficult for us to follow up your case and results in us having a longer response time. We are checking the chat every day between 9-17, from Monday to Friday. 

Opening hours during holidays

    • Closed on the 31st of January.

    • Closed on the 1st of January.

    • Closed on the 28th and the 29th of March.

    • Closed on the 1st of April

    • Closed on the 1st of May.

    • Closed on the 9th of May

    • Closed on the 17th of May

    • Closed on the 20th of May

    • Reduced opening hours in July and August

    • Reduced opening hours on the 22nd and 23rd of December

    • Closed on the 24th, 25th and 26th of December

    • Reduced opening hours on the 27th of December


Operations Specialist (IT & Automations)

Wolt Partners Norway


Courier Partner Benefits


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